Instructional Coaching
Instructional coaching stands as a distinctive alternative to conventional professional development initiatives prevalent in the teaching profession. Acknowledged for its effectiveness, instructional coaching emerges as a valuable means of supporting and cultivating teaching staff.
Instructional coaching is a collaborative process wherein an expert engages in regular one-to-one sessions with a teacher or a small group of teachers, aiming to progressively enhance both the educators’ performance and the learning outcomes of their students. This form of coaching operates in an ongoing and cyclic manner, wherein the expert consistently observes the teacher in action, provides constructive feedback on areas for improvement, and guides purposeful practice sessions until the teacher attains their specified performance goals.
Research consistently underscores the extensive advantages of instructional coaching, not only for the coachee but also for their students. These advantages encompass enhancements in teaching performance, the refinement of curriculum articulation, an augmented capacity for teachers to analyse and improve their lessons, an expanded repertoire of instructional skills and strategies, a heightened understanding of best practices in teaching and learning, the cultivation of a positive school culture, and the establishment of a more conducive learning environment.
The holistic and multifaceted impact of instructional coaching positions it as a cornerstone in the continuous improvement and transformation of teaching practices, fostering an educational landscape where both educators and students thrive.